The Young Dreamers Scholarship, sponsored by the Fiwi Roots Project, is available to sixth graders to help offset the cost of High School. Congratulations to the winners; see who they are.
Endemic Birds of Jamaica, home to 28 endemic species of birds; species of birds that do not exist anywhere else in the world. Photos and bird calls.
Port Antonio, considered to be
the most charming and unspoilt natural area of Jamaica. Located
on the north eastern tip of the island, the windward
side of the Blue Mountains, the highest mountain range in Jamaica, resulting
in a much wetter climate, lush vegetations and rain forests.
Black River
Long ignored as a tourist destination, Black River and it's surrounding areas, and
the small farming and fishing communities still retain the flavor of
"old" Jamaica, in it's natural setting; historic buildings, waterfalls,
farms, wildlife, plants and fauna.
Port Royal As one walks along the
narrow streets of the poor fishing village of Port Royal today, it is
hard to imagine that it once was the largest and most economically significant
English settlement in the Americas. It is now an isolated place
at the end of a long peninsula across the bay from Kingston...more
Located at the center of coral diversity in the Atlantic Ocean, Jamaica's coral reefs
are among the best studied in the world and maybe the longest directly
observed submarine ecosystems, with data available since the 1950s. Over
60 species of reef building corals grow here. The diversity of topography
and natural attractions is second to none.
Cancer Properties of Guinea Hen Weed, also known as Anamu, a powerful Jamaican herb has well documented medicinal properties. A study of of 1400 plants by the University of Illinois found that it was one of only 34 plants containing active properties against cancer
Comprehensive list of Waterfalls in Jamaica. The combination of rivers and igneous, metamorphic and karst rock structures in Jamaica, create a perfect environment for waterfalls.
Surfing was first introduced to the island as a hotel promotion in 1912, never caught on back then, but now hosts the The Makka Pro, an international surfing event.
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Herbal Remedies Jamaican plants as herbal remedies and wider applications.
Interactive Map of Jamaica's National Heritage Sites.
The Cockpit Country was the first site selected by USAID for the Parks in Peril 2000 program.
Geography & Physical Features The Mountains, Plains, Rivers, Harbors and Cays.
Jamaica's Pirates Reviews of some of Jamaica's Famous Pirates.
Botanical Gardens Jamaica is considered a horticultural paradise.
Blue & John Crow Mountain National Park The largest remaining tract of intact, closed-canopy, broadleaf forest.
Great Houses The Great House is arguably the most prominent and tangible symbol of the plantation era.
Book Reviews Highly rated Jamaican novels about Jamaica or set in Jamaica or by a Jamaican.
High School Manning Cup Reviews of some of Jamaica's Famous Pirates.
Beaches Landforms of igneous and metamorphic rocks, karst limestone create a variety of beaches.
Hiking Explore hiking trails of Jamaica, with a focus on the trails in the Blue Mountain Area.
Uniquely Jamaica Less known facts about Jamaica's Influence on the World.
Manning Cup Winning Schools by Years
Jamaica Road Trips, Explore Jamaica's road network and scenic roadtrips throughout the island.